Thursday, April 20, 2017

now or never to be free

It's like a wave that I can't control that rolls over my head so I hold my breath. I feel like I'm drowning and then gasp and scream for air. It doesn't seem real and I'm replaying moments in my mind. Good and bad this is difficult. The house is out of balance but we still feel you. I just want to sleep but am so restless. Less than a week now and Raewyn is due to arrive. I've never experienced such polar emotions in my life. I know your with her our lil sunshine teaching her the ways of the force even as I type this. Just finding it hard to cope. I'm just floating. I miss you. We all miss you. Love you Boogie. Thanks for making me stronger right now, I'm trying. Holding on to the light and the dark without fear.
You're right here...❤

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